The new instalment in the Star Wars franchise comes a decade after the last film (Revenge of the Sith in 2005) and three decades after the original trilogy (Return of the Jediin 1983). Directed by J J Abrams - famous for his Star Trekmovies and TV show Lost - the film features Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, who also starred in the original trilogy. Besides, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley,John Boyega and Oscar Isaac appear in lead roles.
Ever since the prequels were released, the fans of the saga were divided into two segments: one for whom the original trilogy constitutes the franchise and the other that does not discriminate and loves all six films equally. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens hoped to please both segments.
The Force Awakens begins where Return of the Jedi left off, set 30 years after the events of the latter. The film features nostalgic elements synonymous with the franchise, such as lightsabers, Death Stars and the Skywalker family. However, for those new to the franchise, certain concepts need to be grasped: the Force, an energy that flows through all living beings, can be used for both good and bad and is measured through the number of midi-chlorians, a fictional microorganism, in one's body. There are two monastic orders in the cinematic universe - the Jedi (the light side) and the Sith (the dark side) - who are also at war with each other.
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